Lightning photography

lightning in dar sky

How to lightning photography Lightning photography is quite complex: You only get one chance, ever wondered how to choose the location and direction – this is not a portrait photography where you can go back into the studio and do the shots if the pictures did not. You will always be at some risk of

Zoom effect photography

zoom effect running man

Zoom effect photography trick A simple trick to make a static image dynamic – shoot slowly, zoom quickly. It only needs small tricks with the camera zoom lens zoom and shutter speed. Take a picture with a rather slow shutter speed, and pressing the shutter release button, turn the lens suddenly zoom (photographic trick only

Night photography tips

night photography outside

Night photography tips Often at night we see beautiful images, whether it be a clear sky, or pond, which is reflected in the moonshine, or dozens lights over town. You should agree that at night time often ordinary objects we see much better, more romantic role specialization. Likewise, we often want to perpetuate the camera,

Firework photography

fireworks photography splash

For many, the question arises as to produce beautiful firework photography, so this article will try to answer it how to shoot fireworks. Technically, everything is easier than it may appear, will present some of the key tips that you should keep in mind when shooting fireworks. Firework photography Use a tripod … SURE It

Portrait photography

portrait girl red head

Three types of portraits To begin to mention that the portrait does not necessarily have to be human, but for simplicity’s sake I will speak about the man. When you have decided to do portrait photography, or perhaps it is fair to say I will meditate in portrait composition, you have to remember that there

Understanding exposure

understanding exposure-triangle

Acquired DSLR camera and the pictures are dark, dirty, “with ghosts head and handprints. If so, read this article. It will help to master the understanding of exposure. It’s really not so hard. Need to know a few elementary things about how to get the correct view. Let’s start with the definition of exposure. So,

Photo recovery tools

format sd card menu in dslr

Photo recovery tools Every computer user must-have program for data recovery, this curse will happen earlier or later. This article will be about practical photography tips. How to recover deleted files, what recovery tools you can use, to undelete your files. Clearly, the mites can go to certain forms of data-driven recovery, but is it

Panning photography

man on the motorcycle

What is panning photography? Freezing moving main object sharp, while the background is blurred.If you already know digital photography basics, you are looking for new creative photography ideas, tips for photography are just for you, you are in the right place. The art of photography comes with knowledge of techniques and ideas you can create.