What is panning photography?
Freezing moving main object sharp, while the background is blurred.
If you already know digital photography basics, you are looking for new creative photography ideas, tips for photography are just for you, you are in the right place. The art of photography comes with knowledge of techniques and ideas you can create. Panning photography is used a lot in shooting sport like bike, motorcycle, car racing, but can be used in daily shooting as well.
First decide what do you want to shoot,- of course, it should be a moving object. Try to choose the best place to track/follow your object, the rounded corner is perfect for me.
What camera can I use for panning photography?
No matter what photography camera you own, it should have a manual mode (M). More info about digital camera types can be found here How to choose digital camera.
What lens is best for panning photography?
If you use a DSLR, you may be interested: what lens I should use, that depends on the situation you are in. Let’s say if I am close to my subject I may want to use a wide-angle lens and if I, let’s say, shoot drifting cars and can not come close- I may want to use a telephoto lens. More about lenses can be found here DSLR digital camera lens guide. The main purpose is to capture an object in the frame.

Panning photography settings
Jump in manual mode. Adjust your camera to correct exposure, after slower your shutter speed. The main key in this trick is to make slower shutter speed than normally would. The slower, the more blurred background will be. But you should not overdo it, the subject should stay sharp. How much slower?- depends on the effect you want. I start from 1/50 and playing around.
Another mode you can use is shutter priority. Canon DSLR users can see Tv mode. Nikon users- S mode. This mode is semi-automatic and easy to use. Adjust only one parameter and all the rest job cameras will make for you.
Focus on panning photography
Use autofocus, press the shutter button half to start focusing, follow your subject, press the shutter button fully. I like to shoot in series, after sort images and delete missed shots.
Tv mode Shutter speed 1/60 aperture f7 iso200
There is nothing to wait for, grab the camera in hand and go to the city for an experiment. Good luck.
These are basic photography tips on how to make panning images.