Retouch body lines

retouch body

This tutorial about how to retouch body lines: reduce or add some fat. Why does somebody want to do that?- Not all the time model has the perfect body- it is very important, image to be perfect, especially in commercial photography. If you retouch only the face it is also very useful to know: how

Skin retouch tips

skin retouch model face

One of the most important aspects of retouching portraits is skin retouch. None of your clients or friends want to look ugly- especially women. You have to know a lot of things about how to make it correct because retouch skin is time-consuming. That is why wedding or studio photographers hire companies or person’s to

How to retouch lips

retouch lips

If you want to retouch lips are not so hard, you have just to decide how do you want them to look. Every little helps to retouch the portrait, take more attention to details to make it perfect. If the person/model lips in the image look perfect, because of great make up- so be it,

How to retouch eyes in portrait

green eyes

Eyes in the portrait are the most important detail, so when you are preparing to take an image of the face- always target to eyes, no matter what film digital camera you are using. After the taken image of course you want to retouch it. How to retouch eyes in portrait step by step What

How to whiten teeth in photo

tooth retouch

If you make portrait photography, you know that all images with beautiful smiles look more attractive. One of the portrait retouch photography techniques is to whiten teeth. There are a lot of ways how to make it. I will review several of them. How to whiten teeth in Adobe Photoshop: Open image Make a selection

Compete in photography contest


Ok ok, so you are a photographer because you have a camera and know how to use it. No matter what photographer you are you are a fan of the film or digital photography. Photography is just a hobby or job for you. You are making images using canon, Nikon maybe just a smartphone. Or

Digital camera explained

holding dslr in hands

Digital photography, leading us to discuss the benefits comparing to SLR film photographyyou can make hundreds of images, don’t need to change film, preview images on the screen, if you do not like some, can delete them immediately. First successful digital camera series production The first commercially available digital camera in the United States was

Moon photography

moon photography at night

Moon photography Moon has long been interested in academics, writers, visionary artists, as well as all kinds of professions, including photographers.What is Moon The Moon is the only natural satellite of the Earth Shooting the moon is not difficult. This would be enough conventional digital – DSLR camera, and understanding how to use the camera‘s

Lightning photography

lightning in dar sky

How to lightning photography Lightning photography is quite complex: You only get one chance, ever wondered how to choose the location and direction – this is not a portrait photography where you can go back into the studio and do the shots if the pictures did not. You will always be at some risk of